Friday, February 4, 2011

Is Othello a Dangerous Moor?

   Othello, a play written by Shakespeare in 1604 tells of a noble African-American general. He is manipulated by Iago, ensign to Othello, by telling him that his wife has slept with Cassio in order to get revenge for picking Cassio over him as lieutenant. Plan after plan Iago seeks to destroy Othello’s life and time after time Othello falls deeper into his plan. He is noted by everyone as honest and true but throughout the play we his dramatic downfall.  So the question comes up is Othello a noble moor or could he be a dangerous savage? Shakespeare uses literary devices, conflict, to advance the overall meaning to show Othello’s true character.
            The beginning of the play shows Othello’s character as noble. For example in Act 2 scene 2 Herald mentions that he is a “noble and valiant general”. We see that from other’s perspectives Othello is looked up to. He holds a high stature not just as a general but in the citizen’s heart and mind. Before Othello was manipulated into thinking Desdemona was a whore he shows how much he loves and cherishes her. In Act 2 Scene 1 Othello says “ It gives me wonder great as my content to see you here before me.” He is not disgusted by her rather he is content with her presence. He begins to express the joy he has of being with her that he knows no other comfort. Even towards Iago although ignorant of the situation, he speaks highly of him. In act 2 scene 3 he says “ Iago is most honest.” In Othello’s mind Iago is someone he can trust and would never lie to him or set him up for failure. However, that was Iago’s intentions all along and it brings about the downfall of the main character, Othello.
            As the play unravels we take note that the conflict causes a change in Othello’s character. For example in act 2 scene 3 Montano says “And tis great pity that the noble Moor should hazard such a place as his own second with one of an engrafted infirmity.” This statement means that a weakness has become a part of him. He is no longer that strong and brave man that we have seen in the beginning. The once secure moor who was sure of himself and his actions was broken down to think twice about “ the honest Iago”. In act 3 scene 3 Othello says “ Therefore these stops of thine fright me the more. For such things in a false, disloyal knave are tricks of custom.” Although it was great he began to question Iago, we can also see him losing his mind. It is as if he is paranoid about his surroundings. He is not sure whether he should still trust Iago of his word that he does not have any cruel intention of him or Cassio. As Iago further seeks to hurt Othello he turns him against his wife. During act 4 scene 2 he has a dialogue with Emilia saying “ There is a subtle whore, a closet lock and key of villainous secrets. And yet she’ll kneel and pray.”At this point Othello is in full belief that his wife has slept with Cassio and thinks that she is keeping secrets with him. Due to his anger towards her, he speaks bad about her as if she was just another human being who he never had a connection with.
            Othello’s true character shows that he is a dangerous savage. His whole perspective of Desdemona has changed at this point as we can see in act 3 scene3. Othello says “ She’s gone, I am abused, and my relief must be to loathe her.” Being that he is so stressed with the things that Iago is telling him and he is actually starting to believe it, he needs to relieve himself somehow. He hates her and hate can be the main cause to kill. Now he is beginning to show signs of being dangerous. When hate festers for a long time, it becomes dangerous to the person and every person around them.
After Othello has found out from Iago that his wife has used his handkerchief that he has given to her to wipe Cassio’s beard, he was upset. The faith he had in her to say she was honest was no longer there. He says “ Arise, black vengeance, from the hollow hell!” His heart has turned completely against Desdemona to get revenge on her. After being fed multiple lies Othello’s true character is being shown. He begins to become obsessed because in the same act he cries “ O, blood, blood, blood!” Othello has truly become uncivilized and had lost all sense of mind. Going further in the play in act 4 scene 1 he says “ Ay, let her rot and perish and be damned tonight, for she shall not live. No, my heart is stone.” His nature has changed dramatically from the beginning to the end of the play but can we really say he is a dangerous savage?
Shakespeare uses literary devices, conflict, in order to advance the overall meaning to show Othello’s true character. He went from the noble moor to the dangerous savage. Through these examples we can see the downward spiral of Othello’s life due to Iago. Othello was more of a dangerous savage because he had more thoughts of evil than those thoughts of positivity. He became uncivilized which can be a danger to anyone. The conflict between Othello and hisThrough a combination of being unsure of the truth, being betrayed by someone he thought he could trust and becoming obsessed we can say that Othello is a dangerous savage.

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