Monday, April 4, 2011

Quarter 3 Reflection

I was not even aware that the AP exam was only five weeks away! You get so caught up in the actual grade that you fail to realize that the material has to be be regurgitated once more. Am I ready? Well, I'm ready for anything. It's the result that I'm not ready for. Although I feel that  everything we've learned so far is imprinted in my brain, the end result tells the whole story.

In order to be successful on this test I will need to focus on timing for the essays and just some of the vocabulary. I noticed that when I would do my forty minute time write that I can either be write on the time or need two extra minutes. I want to be able to finish five minutes before time is out. It will allow me to correct errors and revise previous thoughts.

My downfall has always been not trusting my first instinct on the multiple choice. There are always two answers I feel that could possibly be correct. So by reading and comprehending there can be no doubt. On this test I am going to make sure I understand what I am reading. I really enjoyed the jeopardy game we played because the terminology really stuck with me. Everything we did this quarter was helpful and enjoyable.

As I go into the last short quarter of this AP lit course I hope to look back and say I understand more than what I knew before. When it is over it will be emotional but I can't wait to see what is coming next.

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