Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Quarter 2

 Quarter two came by extremely fast and and went by even quicker. I am very pleased of how much my reading abilities have grown.What I mean by this is that when I was younger even up to my junior year I did not like reading. When I read it was hard for me to comprehend. However, now I am able to understand and get it faster than I used to. There was more motivation to read because I knew the next day would have a Socratic seminar and I wanted to be prepared.
   To my surprise Othello was my favorite play we have read in second quarter. It was surprising because at first looking at the cover I thought to myself this maybe not captivating. Then when I realized that it was writtEn by Shakespeare I counted myself outs not going to understand. The first couple of pages were as I thought sort of not comprehensive and not captivating. However, when I went home I reread and looked at some sources to see If I was following the plot correctly.
   This was probably one of my favorite plays because of the deceit that Iago's character brought to the play. He was quick on his feet and always came up with a plan. Although I was rooting for Othello, without Iago the play would not have been interesting. One other that I did enjoy is the Christmas poems we gave to one another. For those who did not know their classmates it was a way for everyone to get to know that person. This was a great second quarter and I can't wait to see what's next for third quarter.

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